More About the Bond
Thank You for Your Dedicated Service Bond Oversight Committee Members!!
Dean Banz
Jeff Gunn
Caulynee Barron
Wesley Hewitt
Larry Bryson
Joann Kiyabu
Sharon Buono
Joe Kraps
Gary Burden
Belen Lopez-Hart
Doris Caldwell
Josephine Mabe
Marge Carrithers
Tomas Macias
Kirby Chapman
Lauren Padgett
Richard Dailey
Mary Perez
Kaye Dean
Jerry Proctor
Bruce Docktor
Hollie Sheriff
Bond Presentations
Final Bond Report Presentation (Oct 19, 2021)
Bond Update Presentation slides (Feb 18, 2020)
Your Bond Dollars at Work presentation slides (Sep 19, 2019)
Your Bond Dollars at Work presentation slides (Mar 25, 2019)
State of the District 2018 video, including an update on bond projects (Mar 2, 2018)