Child Nutrition and Food Service
Rothery Educational Service Center
3305 East Fry Boulevard
Food Service Coordinator
SVUSD68 is partnered with Southwest Foodservice Excellence (SFE) for our Child Nutrition & Food Services.
Thank you for choosing to have your student eat with us! Our goal is to provide healthy, nutritious meals to your children in a loving educational environment so that they are able to develop a healthy eating lifestyle that will carry on throughout their adult life.
2024 SUN Bucks
The 2024 SUN Bucks Household Application allows students enrolled for at least one instructional school day between July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024, who were not previously certified as free or reduced-price eligible, to apply for the 2024 SUN Bucks benefit. AZ Department of Ed Sun Bucks Information
Meal Prices
Elementary Schools | Joyce Clark Middle School | Buena High School |
Breakfast: $1.75 | Breakfast: $1.75 | Breakfast: $1.75 |
Lunch: $3.25 | Lunch: $3.25 | Lunch: $3.25 |
We are pleased to inform you that meal prices will remain the same for the 2024-2025 school year.
The price of the meal includes milk. Milk can be purchased separately for students bringing their own lunch from home. ($.30)
Adult meals are available for purchase also, breakfast and lunch options are $4.50 each.
You can add funds to your student's meal account at any time through MySchoolBucks*.
School Menu
Menus can be accessed online or within the Nutrislice app which can be downloaded from their website.
Click the image to go to the Nutrislice website.
Free and Reduced Meals

The Free & Reduced Applications can now be filled out online by following the link below:
Paper Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meal English
2024-2025 Federal Eligibility Income Chart
Want to learn more about free and reduced-price meals? Visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture site.
¿Desea obtener más información sobre las comidas gratuitas y a precio reducido?
Visite el sitio del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos.
If you have any questions, please contact our Food Service Coordinator, (Bryndle) Sarina Lawrence (520) 515-2724