Employee IT Resources
Information Technology
District Administrative Offices
3555 E. Fry Blvd. Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
(520) 515-2753
IT Staff
Technology Supervisor / Systems Administrator
David Lujan (520) 515-2718
IT Help Desk
Michael Silvis (520) 515-2753
IT/Telephone/Network Technician
IT Technician -TC &JCMS
Benjamin Lambert (520) 515-2719
IT Technician - HM & VM
T Technician - BV & CM & JCMS
Robert Satterfield (520) 515-5050
IT Technician - BHS/PDS
James Sharp (520) 515-5050
Jonathan Brown (520) 515-2794
IT Applications and Tools
Outlook Email Login Instructions
Welcome to the Sierra Vista Unified School District Staff E-Mail System!
Administrators & Teachers
Open up a Web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)
User Name: LastNameFirstInitial <not case sensitive>
Password: Your personally created password <case sensitive>
New Accounts
Open up a Web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)
User Name: LastNameFirstInitial <not case sensitive>
Password: Temporary password that was provided to you. Please change this temporary password to a more secure personal password after your initial log in. <case sensitive>