Buena CTE Programs
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College & Career Ready
Dream. Do. Succeed!
Buena CTE is designed to help prepare all students to enter the work force in a variety of different career fields. The Buena CTE Department offers the following award winning programs. Learn how we can help you jump start your career.

Automotive Collision Repair
The Automotive Collision Repair program prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, reconstruct, and finish automobile bodies, fenders, and external features. The Automotive Collision Repair program delivers instruction in structure analysis, damage repair, non-structural analysis, mechanical and electrical components, plastics and adhesives, painting and refinishing techniques, damage analysis and estimating.
"While in the automotive program I was able to make amazing friends and I had great teachers who supported me with everything I've done. Also my experience in the shop and experience from going to competitions helped me get a job as a service writer at Sierra Cycles. The automotive program had a huge positive impact on my life."
BHS Student

Automotive Technology
The Automotive Technologies program prepares students to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, service, and maintain all types of automobiles. The Automotive Technologies includes instruction in brake systems, electrical systems, engine performance, engine repair, suspension, and steering, automatic and manual transmissions and drive trains, and heating and air condition systems.
Ranked in the top 20 Arizona Auto Tech CTE Programs!
2023 Skills USA Placements
Gold Medal State Regional Qualifier - Cameron C.
State Regional Qualifier, 4th Place - Logan S.
2023 EAC Skills Day
2nd Place - Logan S. , Ryan G. , Freddy T.
"Guys, this is one of the best programs you have a chance of taking (collision is the other that is equally the best) during your high school tenure. Just imagine after learning the basics of automotive theory you can get oily, greasy and just plain dirty while working in the shop on automotive projects and honing your artistic skills with metal and whatever else we can find. "
BHS Student

Culinary Arts
The Culinary Arts program prepares students to apply technical knowledge and skills required for food production and service occupations in commercial foodservice establishments. Students completing this program will possess the technical knowledge and skills required for planning, selecting, storing, purchasing, preparing and serving quality food products. Nutritive values, safety and sanitation procedures, use of commercial equipment, serving techniques and management of food establishments will also be studied. Throughout the Culinary Arts instructional program, students will develop advanced critical thinking, applied academic, career development, life and employability skills, business, economic, and leadership skills required for culinary arts occupations Culinary arts.
Culinary Essentials 1st Year Syllabus
2023-2024 FCCLA State Leadership Medalist:
Gold Medal in Event Management - Tatum J. and Micah W.
Gold Medal in Culinary Display, Cookies - Perfect Score - Tatum J.
Silver Medal in Culinary- Josh C.
Silver Medal in Career Investigation - Amaya A.
Silver Medal in Hospitality and Tourism - Samantha R.
Bronze Medal in Baking and Pastry - Miraya R.
Buena Culinary also received Silver in the Outstanding Chapter Awards for our students hard work and dedication to the program.
“Before I took Chef’s class I only knew how to make scrambled eggs, but by the end of the year I made things I never thought I would be able to. From King Cake to Cream Puff Swans, Chef Avalos knows how to make cooking fun.”
Ethan Brown
Buena Alumni

Emergency Medical Services
The Emergency Medical Services program prepares students to recognize, assess, and manage medical emergencies in the pre-hospital environment. It is the entry-level of training in the Emergency Medical Services career field. This program will develop the student's confidence, knowledge, and skills in performing critical assessment and management of patients with medical and trauma-related life threats. It also focuses on the development of an EMT’s critical role as a team member during patient crisis situations.

The Engineering instructional program prepares students to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers engaged in a wide variety of projects. Includes instruction in various engineering support functions for research, production, and operations, and applications to specific engineering specialties. Students who successfully complete the Engineering program’s coherent sequence of instruction learn to apply Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) concepts to current technologies and tools as they learn about the different disciplines and opportunities within the fields of engineering.
2023 State Champions at SkillsUSA in Engineering Technology Design
Gold Medal in Principles of Engineering - Summer M.
Bronze Medal in Engineering Tech/Design - Kade S. , Janessa O. , Dylan R.
Bronze Medal in Facilities Management - Summer M.
Grand Prize Winners in the State Level YES Fair - Kade S. , Janessa O. , Dylan R.
Honorable Mention and Regeneron BioMedical Engineering Award for State Level YES Fair
Landon M. , Joseph S. , and Asher L.

Film and TV Productions
The Film and TV Production instructional program prepares students to produce digital films and videos (including news broadcasts, commercials and public service announcements, feature films and documentaries, episodic serials, music videos, educational videos, and others) and to work in a variety of on- and off-camera positions within traditional and emerging video production industries. Students who successfully complete the Film and TV Production program’s coherent sequence of instruction will develop an in-depth understanding of the operation and maintenance of professional-grade digital video cameras and related specialized video production equipment; studio and location lighting techniques; audio recording techniques; scenic composition; visual and special effects, titling and motion graphics; and the use of industry-standard hardware and software to capture, enhance, manipulate, and edit video and audio files to produce a cohesive, professional-grade finished product. Film and TV Production students will explore the history and societal and economic impact of the film and TV production industry and will examine legal and ethical considerations and business best practices unique to film and TV production and related industries. Throughout the Film and TV Production instructional program, students learn and practice valuable real-world skills using professional-grade video production equipment and industry standard video and audio editing software and visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing applications to create high-quality media products.
2023 SkillsUSA State / Leadership Competition in Audio Productions
2nd Place - Reyn L. , Lexi P.
2023 Video News Production Winners
1st Place- Aviyon V. , Tristyn F. , Grace H-M , Harley N.
2nd Place- Nina B. , Nathan G. , Franklin Q. , James S.
3rd Place- Jason P. , Andres D. , Francisco M. , Luan T.
The U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is one of the largest character development and citizenship programs for youth in the world. The National Defense Act of 1916 established organized JROTC programs at public and private educational institutions. In 1964, Congress expanded the program to all military services and changed from active duty to shared support from the services and schools. As congressionally mandated by Title 10 United States Code, Section 2031, each military service must have a JROTC program to "instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, and personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment." JROTC’s mission, "To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens", is the guide post for the program’s success.
2023 JROTC Drill Team
1st Place Challenge Color Guard Huachuca Challenge
2nd Place 10 Person Unarmed Regulation Huachuca Challenge
3rd Place 10 Person Unarmed Regulation Red Mountain Drill Meet
3rd Place 10 Person Armed Regulation Huachuca Challenge

Law & Public Safety
The Law and Public Safety program prepares individuals to apply theories and practices of organization management and criminal justice to the administration of public law enforcement agencies and operations. The Law and Public Safety program includes instruction in law enforcement history and theory, operational command leadership, administration of public police organizations, labor relations, incident response strategies, legal and regulatory responsibilities, budgeting, public relations, and organizational leadership.
Law and Public Safety Syllabus
Scored in the Top 20 in Arizona for Technical Skills Assessment

The Marketing instructional program prepares students to conduct the critical business functions associated with directing the flow of products and services from the producer to the consumer. Students who successfully complete the Marketing program’s coherent sequence of instruction will develop an in-depth, practical understanding of economic principles, human resource skills, and marketing concepts as they relate to the essential functions of marketing: distribution, financing, information management, product planning, promotion, purchasing, risk management, and sales. The Marketing program includes instruction in market research, economics, marketing budgets, creative development and design, and marketing foundations and functions – with an emphasis on public relations, advertising, branding, promotion, product and service management, pricing, and distribution. Specialized programs of study within the Marketing instructional program may include sports and entertainment marketing, hospitality marketing, or advertising and public relations. Throughout the Marketing instructional program, students develop knowledge and skills common to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, including the human characteristics vital for entrepreneurial thinking in a twenty-first-century global world. Throughout the Marketing instructional program, students learn and practice valuable real-world skills using industry standard office productivity software to perform and support vital business functions.
Scored in the Top 5 in Arizona for Technical Skills Assessment
Ranked in the Top 10 in Cochise County CTE programs
2023 State Champions- DECA Sports & Entertainment Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Restaurant & Food Service Management, Business Finance
Taryn S. , Janelle P. , Madison W. , Samantha R.
Malia T. , Isabelle P-H. , Amaya T. , Elijah R.
Jan R-L. , George M. , Derek F. , Jason V.
Nathan G. , Jack C. , Leonidas J.

Nursing Services & Home Health Aide
Nursing services offers students interested in a career in nursing an opportunity to try the skills of the profession, get a head start on learning, and be certified as a nursing assistant or home health aide. Students who finish the course as a junior will also have an opportunity to get school credit for working - either in the field or as a lab assistant at Buena. Our associated club, Nursing HOSA, provides students the opportunity to compete at the state conference, learning leadership skills, and make friends with students around Arizona and the world who have similar interests.
Ranked #2 in Arizona for Home Health Aide Program
Ranked in the Top 10 in Arizona and Cochise County CTE programs
2023 HOSA Award Winners
2 Silver Award Winners - Jazmine A. , Brianna E.
3 Bronze Award Winners - Kenzie S. , John C. , Caitlin M.

Sports Medicine
The Sports Medicine program introduces students to the roles of various disciplines within sports medicine and rehabilitation sciences as well as other allied health professions. Students will be introduced to the analysis of human movement based on anatomical and mechanical principles. Emphasis is placed on the anatomy and physiology of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems and their interaction in human movement and athletic performance. They will also learn signs and symptoms of injuries, illnesses, and disorders commonly seen in the physically active population. Students will develop skills in injury prevention, injury and illness assessment, and using appropriate terminology and medical documentation to record injury and illness.
"My sports medicine internship started off as a fun way to make new friends, go to games, and support the teams. It ended up being what I want to be when I grow up. I've learned so much these few years and I have loved every moment of it thanks to the great athletic trainers I've learned from."
Kayla Hardcastle
Buena Alumni

Theater Technology & Stagecraft
The Stagecraft program prepares individuals to apply artistic, technical and dramatic principles and techniques to the communication of dramatic information, ideas, moods, and feelings through technical theatre methods. The Stagecraft program includes instruction in set design, lighting design, sound effects, theatre acoustics, scene painting, property management, costume design, and technical direction and production and use of computer applications to support these functions.