Welcome to Huachuca Mountain
Huachuca Mountain Fun Facts
Our Mascot
Our mascot is the lightning bolt. We derived our name from the spectacular thunder and lightning storms that we receive from our Huachuca Mountains.
Our School Song
Written by Pamela Clark, our former music teacher
"Let’s go, Huachuca Mountain. We’re proud to belong to you! Let’s try, Huachuca Mountain, to learn and grow and do. As Lightning Bolts we’ll do our best; be honest, kind, and fair. Let’s win, Huachuca Mountain. We know we’ll make it there!"

Welcome to Huachuca Mountain Elementary, where we promote a warm and engaging atmosphere that enhances student achievement in a safe, disciplined environment. Our skilled, enthusiastic teachers and staff are dedicated to promoting exceptional student learning. We believe optimal learning takes place when the school, home, and community work together for the good of the students. We hold our students and ourselves to the highest standards!
Our Mission Statement
It is the mission of Huachuca Mountain Elementary School to educate all students to become responsible, literate problem solvers who are contributing citizens of society through excellent teaching and learning.
In an effort to fulfill our mission we must remember that learning is to be enjoyed and is a lifelong process. The Huachuca Mountain staff and students will show respect and kindness to everyone. We unite as partners with the community to develop Sierra Vista's finest students. This will require teamwork and determination.
Welcome to the educational community of Huachuca Mountain. You are a vital link in the success of our students. Our educational expertise coupled with our ability to function in a team setting will advance our academic growth.
Huachuca Mountain Rules