Pickup Information

PDS Drop Off Plan

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PDS Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures:

Line 1:

  • Route: Travel northbound along Calle Estudiante and turn left onto Paseo Las Palmas.

  • Morning Drop-Off: For Kinder to 6th grade.

  • Afternoon Pick-Up: For 1st to 6th grade.

  • Note: Parents must remain in their vehicles and can only turn left onto Paseo Las Palmas.

Line 2:

  • Route: Enter through the main entrance off Paseo Las Palmas, proceed through the parking lot to the traffic circle, then exit left onto Paseo Las Palmas and right onto Calle Jinete.

  • Afternoon Pick-Up: For Kindergarten.

  • Both Drop-Off and Pick-Up: For Headstart.

  • Note: Families with children in both lines can use the main entrance Pick-Up in the afternoon.

Additional Information:

  • The gate at Calle Estudiante will close at the first bell at 7:55 AM. Any student arriving after this time will need to be checked in with an adult at the front office.

  • Students walking home will be released from the main gate (front entrance).

  • Bus riders will meet the bus at the bus bay on Paseo Las Palmas.

  • NO parking at any time in designated fire lanes, by fire hydrants, the crosswalks, or other designated areas.

Student Safety Reminder

Please remember, for safety, we must walk our bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc. while on campus. The same procedure is required while crossing streets.

Straddling your bike seat or scooter and walking is not enough; you should walk with both feet on the same side of the device.

Safety First at PDS!

Pueblo del Sol is a closed campus and ALICE-certified, which means visitors must sign in at the front office any time they are coming onto school grounds. Our gates will be locked during school hours and classroom doors will be locked at all times.

We will keep students in classrooms during storms and heavy rain. We will delay dismissal in unsafe weather. When we delay dismissal, we will send out an automated call, text message, and notifications via our SVUSD App to keep parents informed.