Absence Reporting at Town & Country
Please report your student absent as it is very important that we keep accurate records. It also allows us to mark your student as excused.
Parents/guardians are asked to report their student absent before 8:30 each morning their student is absent.
To report your student absent, there are three methods in which to do so:
ParentVUE - If you need help acquiring a ParentVUE account, please contact the school office for activation information. (520)515-2980
EMAIL: TC.Attendance@svps.k12.az.us
CALL: (520) 515-2980
Please make sure to include the following in your email:
Student's name
Reason for student's absence
Your relationship to the student
Please report all absences to the school office by 8:30 a.m. If notification has not been made by 8:30 a.m., the school will contact the parent/guardian to ensure the safety of the child. We appreciate your cooperation with this safety procedural requirement.
Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be marked tardy and will need to be signed in at the office by a parent. It is the responsibility of the parent to see that the student arrives at school on time.
After-School Arrangements
All after-school arrangements should be organized at home before the child leaves for school. This will alleviate unnecessary stress and disruption to his/her day.
If there is a change to your child's after school arrangement, you must provide the office with a written note.
Early Pickup
If your child will be leaving before the dismissal time, parents must come into the office and sign out their child. Please do not call ahead to ask for your child waiting in the office. We will call the student up to the office when you arrive to sign him/her out.
It is the parent's responsibility to plan ahead for appointments and allow plenty of time for student pickup. This will avoid frustration on your part and will also help alleviate disruption and missing instructional time in the classroom.
If you will be picking up your child during lunchtime, please be advised that students are not allowed to take purchased cafeteria lunch with them due to health and safety concerns. This a mandate by Section 3.7 of the Child Nutrition Guidance Manual provided by the Arizona Department of Education.
Homework Requests
Homework may be requested if the student is absent for more than two days. Please contact the office at (520) 515-2980 to place a homework request. Homework will be available after school is released on the third day.
More Information
Additional information about attendance and truancy can be found in the Elementary Student Handbook.
Keep It Current!
Parent Contact Information
It is essential that our school be able to contact parents in the event of an emergency. Please ensure we always have current information on file. You can easily update your contact information in ParentVUE.
Emergency Contacts
We encourage parents to put alternate contacts down on file with our office in case we are unable to make contact. Please note that emergency contacts will only be allowed to pick up students and are not allowed to speak with teachers in regard to the student's academics and behavior issues unless educational rights were submitted by the parent.