Town & Country Nurse's Office
Each year, SVUSD likes to remind parents and parents-to-be about the importance of childhood vaccinations.
Under SVUSD Policy JLCB, students must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, rubeola (measles), mumps, rubella (German measles), hepatits B, haemophilus influenzae b (HIB), and varicella (chickenpox), except in cases where students are exempt by law. Additionally, Tdap and Meningococcal vaccinations are required as soon as a student turns 11 years old.
The district requires proof of all required immunizations before a student may attend school. (Students who are homeless or in foster care are allowed a five-day grace period to provide proof of immunization.)
Arizona law allows immunization exemptions for medical reasons, lab evidence of immunity, and personal beliefs. For a student under the age of 18 to be exempt, parents or guardians must submit the appropriate state accepted forms. In order to obtain these forms all parents must take an online exemption course through the Arizona Department of Health Services. Please note: parents and guardians must sign exemption forms — students under the age of 18 cannot sign their own forms.
Do you have more questions about SVUSD policy on vaccinations? Please contact your students' school nurse.
Health Forms and Links
Pre-School Immunization Requirements
Kinder-12th Grade Immunization Requirements
Medication administration form
Authorization for medical care - English
Autorización para atención médica - Español
Authorization for students to self-carry medication
Specialized health procedures consent form
AZED Special Diet Request Form
SVUSD's District Health Procedures