Our big event is Friday, September 8! ALL students are participating in a a color run, beginning at 8:30am! Parents should provide their students with a white or light-colored t-shirt, so that the color really pops!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
Here's today's PTO Fun Run Fundraiser Update!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
Here's today's PTO Fun Run Fundraiser Update!
Here's today's PTO Fun Run Fundraiser Challenge!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
Here's today's PTO Fun Run Fundraiser Challenge!
Parents have received the fun and upbeat messages from our Booster Fun Run activities. I wanted to share a few details. Our big event is Friday, September 8th. Kinder to 2nd grade students are doing a splash and dash on the field, beginning at 8:30am. 3rd to 6th grade students are participating in a a color run. A student can wear a white t-shirt, so the color really pops! Parents can watch their child participate, but must sign into the front office. We are raising money for a book vending machine, which our students will love and will promote reading!
over 1 year ago, Principal Mary Perez- Huachuca Mountain
Here's today's PTO Fun Run Fundraising Update!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
PTO Fun Run Fundraiser Update!
Here's today's PTO Fun Run Challenge!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
PTO Fun Run Challenge!
All district and school offices will be closed on Monday, September 4th in honor of Labor Day. Please have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
over 1 year ago, SVUSD
Labor Day 9/4/23
Good Afternoon Bolt Family, Check out this month's newsletter for all of the fun happenings at Huachuca Mountain. https://www.svusd68.org/o/hmes/page/principal-page All of our newsletters can be found on Mrs. Perez's Principal Page on our website or in the Document section of the SVUSD app. Thank you, Principal Perez
over 1 year ago, SVUSD
Thunder Clap
This Friday, September 1st is a half day at all SVUSD schools. Please note that all students will be released by the half day schedule. Buena High School at 10:30 am, all elementary schools at 11:15 am, and Joyce Clark Middle School at 12:30 pm. Have a wonderful weekend!
over 1 year ago, SVUSD
Half Day at all Schools 9/1/23
Huachuca Mountain PTO is all geared up to get your Bolt Spirit going! Place your order today for your Bolt Spirit Gear for the whole family! https://form.jotform.com/232327302828150. Remember: Friday is Spirit Day at Huachuca Mountain with the winning class getting to display the Bolt in their classroom. Go bolts!
over 1 year ago, Bolt
Huachuca Mountain Spirit Gear
Parents & guardians, please use the link below to complete the PBIS Climate Survey for families. The survey will end on October 4, 2023. https://www.pbisassessment.org/Anon/4P0105z1280 Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
Good afternoon! Please use the link below to let us know your thoughts on our Curriculum Night, which was held on 8/22/23. We want to hear from you! https://forms.gle/hgJ7KpSjDQSwwmYG7
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
Huachuca Mountain Parents & Guardians, Please be aware that Friday, September 1 is a half day, and students will be dismissed at 11:15am. There is no school on Monday, September 4, in observance of the federal Labor Day holiday. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
Good morning! Please use the following link if you wish to order PTO Spirit Shirts: https://form.jotform.com/232327302828150 Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Cara McCrary
The SVUSD elementary band teachers are inviting all interested elementary parents, guardians and students to visit our Band Rental Night tonight from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Rothery Educational Center Atria. Vendor representatives from three companies will be in attendance to have students try out instruments and offer rental information. Our band teachers Mr. Gallant and Mrs. Sheridan are on site to answer any questions. For more information please also visit us at https://www.svusd68.org/o/svusd/page/elementary-band Hope to see you tonight!
over 1 year ago, SVUSD
Elementary Band Rental Night  8/24/23
Huachuca Mountain is inviting all parents to their Curriculum Night and Community Fair on August 22nd. Between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm teachers will present important information about their curriculum and classroom expectations. The presentations are 30 minutes long and each teacher will present four times so families will be able to rotate if they have more than one student at Huachuca Mountain. Bolt families also have the chance to meet with community representatives in the cafeteria during Curriculum Night. Mark your calendar for this is an excellent opportunity to learn about how our students will learn and grow this year!
over 1 year ago, Bolt
HM Curriculum Night
Huachuca Mountain is inviting all parents to their Curriculum Night and Community Resource Fair on August 22nd, between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm. Each teacher will present four times for 30 minutes so parents will be able to rotate if they have more than one child at Huachuca Mountain. Teachers will share important information about our curriculum and classroom expectations. Also, parents will have a chance to meet with representatives of community groups in the cafeteria. Presentation times will be at: 4:30-5:00, 5:00-5:30, 5:30-6:00, 6:00-6:30. Please join us for this excellent opportunity to learn about how your child will learn and grow this year!
over 1 year ago, Bolt
HM Curriculum Night 8/22
After evaluating todays weather, I realize this is a change. At this time, we are going to have a delayed dismissal due to lightning. Students will be held until lightning is no longer within a 10 mile range. This includes walkers, bikers, car loop and bus riders. For todays storm alert, I ask that you wait in your vehicle and allow time for dismissal to proceed normally. Arizona storms typically blow through quickly. When such storms occur, delaying dismissal is required by policy. Coming to the office to pick up your child creates a situation that is counter to the safe environment we are trying to create. Thank you for your consideration.
over 1 year ago, Principal Mary Perez- Huachuca Mountain
Good morning Bolt families. During morning drop off, parents may use the car loop in our school parking lot or they may choose to park in the Methodist Church parking lot and have their children cross at the crosswalk. During afternoon drop off, parents should ONLY park in the Methodist Church parking lot. They should not use the school lot nor should they use the car loop. As a reminder, we are guests of the Methodist Church. Church leaders have expressed concern about parents at HM not following clearly labeled "Exit" and "Entrance" signs, driving aggressively, and generally not respecting their space. The church does the option to revoke access to their lot or request SVPD presence to ticket those not following traffic laws. Please help us by following these rules!
over 1 year ago, Principal Mary Perez- Huachuca Mountain
Today, Wednesday the 9th, all elementary school students will be released early at 12:45 pm. Parents, please remember Wednesdays are always early release days at all SVUSD schools. Thank you for your support.
over 1 year ago, SVUSD
Early Release Elementary