Student Handbook
Student Expectations
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready to Learn
Student behavior expectations
At our school, we feel strongly that a student is responsible for his or her behavior. Good behavior has a direct effect on the students' learning and affects the learning atmosphere for others. Students are expected to follow the code of conduct.
Dress code
Students are expected to dress appropriately for school. Inappropriate dress includes but is not limited to the following:
Garments that reveal underwear, the midriff, or the chest (no short tops or tank tops).
T-shirts with inappropriate sayings or those promoting alcohol or drugs.
Pants that sag below the waist.
Hats are allowed to be worn outside during recess for sun protection or warmth only. Hats are to be removed inside the building.
Flip-flops and shoes that have "wheels."
For a full list of dress guidelines, please review the student handbook.
Unacceptable Items to Have at School
The following items are not allowed at school:
Radios, walkman, video games, cell phones, pagers, iPods, or MP3 players.
Knives, lighters, laser pens, and guns (real or toy).
Skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, or Heelyโs skate shoes.
Glass items.
Toys (unless requested by a teacher).
Expensive items or large sums of money.
Download the Elementary Student Handbook
District Policy Manual
Districtwide policies for SVUSD can be found in the District Policy Manual.