All About Kindergarten Early Entrance Testing
Sierra Vista Unified School District allows the parents of a child whose 5th birthday falls between September 1 and January 1 of the upcoming school year to apply for early entrance to kindergarten if the childβs skills and maturity level indicate kindergarten readiness. The intent of the early entrance program is to make kindergarten available to younger children who demonstrate above-average performance as measured by early entrance assessments administered by Sierra Vista Unified School District No. 68.
Testing dates for the 2022-2023 school year are:
June 8, 2022 8am-12pm
June 24, 2022 12pm-4pm
Appointments will be made May of 2022
Call Stacy in Curriculum 520-515-2743

Registration for our second annual Summer Academy is almost over!! Register your student for our Summer Academy by Sunday, May 8th to be sure your student can attend.
The Academy is free to all students who are currently registered in grades K-12 and live within our district boundaries. Students living outside of district boundaries are also welcome to attend with the addition of an enrollment fee. For more information and to register please visit https://svusd68.org/District/Portal/summer-academy

Registration for our second annual Summer Academy almost closed! Register your student for our Summer Academy by Sunday, May 8th!
The Academy is free to all students who are currently registered in grades K-12 and live within our district boundaries. Students living outside of district boundaries are also welcome to attend with the addition of an enrollment fee. For more information and to register please visit https://svusd68.org/District/Portal/summer-academy